Attack to Osama Bin Laden Tweeted by an IT Consultant

Osama Bin Laden

Sohaib Athar, an IT consultant in the Pakistan city of Abbottabad became an instant internet celebrity on Monday, after unknowingly tweeting the real time account of the attack that americans did, that killed Osama bin Laden. Athar who uses the name “ReallyVirtual” in Social networking site twitter, started to tweet the happenings in their location, … Read more

Sohaib Athar: Twitter User Who Reported Lived The Bin Laden’s Raid

Really Virtual Twitter User Live Blogged Bin Laden's Raid

Sohaib Athar whose a.k.a @really vitual was the one who started the news regarding the raid that happened last Monday killing the world’s most wanted terrorist without knowing personally that he was reporting one of the most important event of the day. Sohaib Athar, the twitter user was a 33-year-old Information Technology Consultant from Lahore, … Read more