Senate Starts Suspension Of Enrile

Senate Minority Leader Juan Ponce Enrile will be ordered for suspension in senate for 90 days. His suspension starts in Monday, September 1, 2014. This is due to his plunder and graft charger in connection to the pork barrel scam. Senate President Franklin Drilon said that he will be implementing the suspension after such time … Read more

Hospital Detention Room For Senator Juan Ponce Enrile Revealed (Photos)

The hospital detention room prepared for Senator Juan Ponce Enrile which was unveiled by ABS-CBN on Wednesday June 25, 2014, is set according to the Philippine National Police (PNP). To give further explanation regarding with the General Hospital inside the camp Crame prepared for Senator Juan Ponce Enrile, spokesperson of PNP Chief Supt. Reuben Theodore Sindac, said … Read more

President Benigno Aquino Cabinet Member Linked to OWWA Fund Mess

One of Aquino’s cabinet members is now under a controversy being linked to the OWWA fund issue. A plunder case has been filed by former solicitor general Francisco Chavez against former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and three other officials including one of the current member of Aquino’s cabinet, Labor secretary Rosalinda Baldoz. The four were … Read more