Central Visayas Variant? – CV Officials Condemn Renaming P.3 Variant

Central Visayas Variant A No-Go For Central Visayas Officials P3 VARIANT – Earlier, health officials discovered a local COVID-19 strain initially found in Central Visayas. Since then, the variant has been named “P.3” with the DOH staying away from calling it the “Philippine Variant“. According to the health department, naming variants according to the country … Read more

COVID-19 Strain Endemic To Central Visayas: P.3 (Philippine Variant)

New COVID-19 Strain Endemic To Central Visayas Found PHILIPPINE VARIANT – Health authorities in Central Visayas detected a new COVID-19 strain endemic to the region. Recently, a Japanese health officials detected a new coronavirus variant from a traveler from the Philippines. Meanwhile, officials in Cebu detected over 70 COVID-19 cases which appear homegrown. As such, … Read more