Vegas Gunman Traveled To Philippines Twice, Filipina Girlfriend Says

Filipina Girlfriend

Vegas Gunman Stephen Paddock Visited Philippines Twice, Filipina Girlfriend Marilou Danley Says Stephen Paddock, the gunman responsible for the deadly mass shooting in Las Vegas has traveled to Philippine twice, according to his Filipina girlfriend. On Sunday (October 01, 2017), about 59 people were killed and 500 people got injured in the deadly mass shooting … Read more

Marilou Danley, Girlfriend Of Vegas Gunman Responsible For Mass Shooting Is Filipina

Marilou Danley

Marilou Danley, Girlfriend Of Vegas Gunman Stephen Paddock Who’s Responsible For Mass Shooting Is A Filipina Marilou Danley, the girlfriend of Stephen Paddock who is responsible for the deadliest mass shooting in the United States is a Filipina. Previously, Las Vegas was covered by fear and terror after a deadly mass shooting outside the Mandalay … Read more