SSS Salary Loan: Who Are Qualified To Apply for the Offer

SSS Salary Loan

SSS SALARY LOAN – You can check below if you are qualified to apply for the Salary Loan offer of the Social Security System. One of the loans offered by the Social Security System for its members is the SSS Salary Loan. It can greatly help in augmenting financial needs most especially during emergency situations.

SSS 3-Month Advance Pension for Karding-Hit Pensioners to be Offered

SSS 3-Month Advance Pension

SSS 3-MONTH ADVANCE PENSION – The Social Security System is launching two (2) programs for Karding-hit members and pensioners. Many Filipino families were greatly affected by super typhoon Karding which devastated several areas in the Philippines. Some government agencies are now on the move to help the typhoon victims. Based on a report on GMA … Read more