Lady Netizen Receives ‘Lapida’ as Graduation Gift from Bestfriend

Lady Netizen

Lady Netizen Gets ‘Lapida’ as Gift from Bestfriend During Graduation GRADUATION GIFT – A lady netizen received a ‘lapida’ or tombstone as a graduation gift from his bestfriend. In a rather unusual twist, a Facebook user named Benjamin Sarondo surprised his best friend Ashley Nicole Bamba with a graduation gift that left many people astounded. … Read more

Male Netizen Receives “Lapida” as Birthday Gift

Male Netizen

Male Netizen Goes Viral And Earns Reactions Online After Receiving “Lapida” as Birthday Gift A male netizen goes viral online and earns reactions from the netizens after receiving “Lapida” as a birthday gift. A birthday is the anniversary of the birth of a person, which was celebrated in numerous cultures. It is one of the … Read more