Marvel Unveils Upcoming New Superhero Films At Comic-Con


Marvel Unveils Upcoming New Superhero Films At Comic-Con MARVEL – Marvel recently revealed their new and upcoming superhero movies on Saturday, further showing the stars who will cast in each film. According to PhilStar, the stars who were brought on stage in San Diego Comic-Con to join Marvel stars like Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth and … Read more

Titanic Director James Cameron Congratulates ‘Avengers: Endgame’

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Director James Cameron Congratulates ‘Avengers: Endgame’ for Sinking ‘Titanic’ TITANIC – Prominent director James Cameron congratulated Avengers: Endgame for beating his movie ‘Titanic’ on global ticket sales. The Avengers movie is considered one of the most remarkable films in this generation. Superhero fans love it because of its amazing graphics, storyline, and actors. In a … Read more