Batanes: Congressmen To Donate Part Of Their Salaries For The Victims

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Congressmen To Donate Portion Of Their Salaries For Batanes Quake Victims BATANES – Congressmen agreed to donate some of his/her salary to the poor victims of the Batanes earthquake. On Saturday, July 27, 2019, Itbayat, Batanes was hit by a 6.4 magnitude earthquake around 7:38 in the morning. The powerful earthquake destroyed several houses and … Read more

Senate Approves 20% Student Fare Discount On All Public Transportation

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Senate Approves 20% Student Fare Discount On All Sea, Air & land Transportation SENATE – The Philippine Senate approved the 20% student fare discount on all public transportation. The Philippine Senate consist of 24 senators and each of them can serve the country for two consecutive terms. Current senators include Franklin Drilon, Vicente Sotto III, … Read more

House of Representative Bill Requires New Parents, Graduates To Plant

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House of Representative To Make New Parents, Graduates To Plant Trees HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE – Proposed bill of the House of Representative required new parents and graduates to plant trees. Tree planting is very relevant to be taught in every school most importantly to the kids who are in elementary. The purpose of this activity … Read more

Ronaldo Zamora Did Not Support Impeachment Complaints Over Pnoy

House Minority Leader Ronaldo Zamora skips on signing the impeachment complaint filed against President Benigno Aquino III. It is due to the fact that he has his scheduled operation for his failing kidneys. Zamora intends to deliver a rebuttal speech on the President’s State of the Nation Address this Monday, July 28, 2014. However, he … Read more

Impeachment Case against Ombudsman Gutierrez approved by the Congress

Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez

After the eight hours debate by the members of House of Representatives regarding the impeachment case of Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez, the house has finally decided to pursue the impeachment case after 212 members voted to impeach Gutierrez against 46 who are unfavoured while four of the members has abstained. The debate ended at past midnight. … Read more