5 Alleged Hijacking Suspects Killed in an Encounter with Police in Benguet

5 Hijacking Suspects Killed During Encounter with Police in Benguet Authorities recovered five (5) dead body of allegedly hijacking suspects after being killed during encounter with police in Benguet. After a shootout with police in Taloy Sur, Marcos Highway, Tuba town, Benguet, five suspects in a truck hijacking were killed. During the first police investigation, … Read more

SC Disbars Lawyer Due To Gross Misconduct, CPR Violation

disbars lawyer

SC disbars lawyer after proven guilty of gross misconduct and CPR Violation. The Supreme Court disbars lawyer named Ronald Aguado for gross misconduct and violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility or CPR over the 2010 hijacking and falsification of documents. On Tuesday, the decision dated April 12 was made public that the high court merit … Read more