Pres. Aquino Declared September 25 as Eid’l Adha Holiday (Feast of Sacrifice)

The President of the Republic of the Philippines, President Benigno S. Aquino III has declared September 25 as a Regular Holiday nationwide in observance of Eid’l Adha which is also known as the Feast of the Sacrifice, which commemorates the willingness and obedience of Abraham to God. Based upon the Philippine calendar, September 25, 2015 … Read more

Eid Al Adha Declared as a National Holiday on October 26, 2012

Holiday Declaration of October 26

A long weekend awaits the Filipinos as Malacañang declared October 26, 2012 as a national holiday. The date falls on Friday, the date mark the celebration of Eid ‘l Adha. According to Presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda, the President has declared the October 26 as a regular holiday through Proclamation No. 448. The Eidul Adha or the … Read more