NBI Raid Online Seller Shop While Doing Live Selling Over Fake Bags

NBI Raid Online Seller Shop Amid Live Selling Due to Overpriced Fake Designer Bags The agents of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) raid the shop of an online seller for allegedly selling overpriced fake designer bags. On Facebook, NBI agents raided a boutique of designer bags over complaints of overprice and authenticity. The raid … Read more

3 Seller to Face Estafa after Selling Fake Luxury Bag worth P30,000

3 Seller Arrested, to Face Estafa for Selling Fake Luxury Bags Three (3) sellers of expensive bags got arrested and were charged with estafa for selling fake luxury bag worth P30,000. The three suspects were arrested in an entrapment operation in Fairview, Quezon City on Monday for allegedly selling fake luxury bags. The victim “Cecille” … Read more