HALO-HALO: List of Usual Ingredients in Making Halo-Halo


Prepare A Tasty Halo-Halo Dessert w/ These Ingredients HALO-HALO – Here is a list of the usual ingredients in making this delicious and cold dessert. One of the best Filipino food that is a favorite of many people is halo-halo. Although many people like eating it during the summer season to ease the heat, there … Read more

Different Forms and Alien Landscapes on Earth (Photos)

Alien Landscapes and Formation on Earth

People from different parts of the world often wondered the different rock formations that can be seen in outer space but some of this magnificent structures can be found on Earth. The alien images shows photos came from different places and formation which includes the shot of icy moon in the black mountain, peculiar geyser, desserts, … Read more