Teen Paralyzed After Freak Accident While Playing On Sofa W/ Dogs

Teen paralyzed 3

Teen Paralyzed By Freak Accident While Playing W/ Dogs TEEN – A British teen has been left paralyzed after falling from the sofa while playing whith his dogs People preferred petting dogs because they are very loyal and sweet. They could even risk their lives just to protect their masters. In a previous article, there … Read more

Air Algeri Plane Crash Victim Named

The British victim of Air Algeric plane crash is known to be David Morgan. He was one of the 116 passengers when Air Algeric flight crashed in Mali on Thursday, July 24, 2014.  It is also said on the news that none of them are saved. It is confirmed yesterday by a Foreign Office spokesperson. … Read more

Australian & British Forces Set To Leave Yolanda-Hit Areas

The Australian and British Forces currently (–foul word(s) removed–)igned to the Philippines are scheduled to leave the Yolanda-hit areas in the Visayas Region. According to Armed Forces (–foul word(s) removed–)istant deputy chief of staff Navy Captain. Rafael Mariano, the pullout of foreign forces is expected since the relief operation is now shifted into rehabilitation. According … Read more