Arnie Teves’ Camp Hopeful that Timor-Leste Court’s Decision To Favor Ex-Congressman’s Side

Arnie Teves Camp

Lawyer of Arnie Teves Speaks as Timor-Leste Hearings End ARNIE TEVES – The camp of the former Negros Oriental Representative is hopeful that the Timor-Leste Court’s decision will be favorable to them. Since March 2023 when the late former Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo died due to an unexpected attack, expelled Negros Oriental 3rd District … Read more

DOJ Confirms Arnie Teves on House Arrest in Timor-Leste

DOJ on Arnie Teves House Arrest

DOJ Speaks on Arnie Teves Case in Timor-Leste DOJ – The Department of Justice confirmed that former Negros Oriental 3rd District Representative Arnie Teves Jr. is under a house arrest in Timor-Leste. One of the most controversial politician deaths in the Philippines was the death of the late former Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo. He … Read more