Filaggrin Gene Defect links to Peanut Allergy

peanut allergy

Scientists said that a gene defect has been identified causing children to develop peanut allergy. The gene called Filaggrin was shown to be a responsible factor that can cause eczema and asthma. About 1-2 % of UK children are affected by the life-threatening peanut allergy. For over two or 3 decades, conditions regarding the number … Read more

Health Tips: Pain Management

Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory or emotional experience (–foul word(s) removed–)ociated with actual or potential damage and it is always subjective. There are two types of pain, the acute and chronic pain according to duration. Acute Pain is a pain experience by a person just for a moment and it resolves quickly. It … Read more

Effects of Second Hand Smoking to Unborn Babies

Cigarette Smoking

Recent Scientific study shows that pregnant women who are exposed to cigarette smoke have a high possibility that their unborn child can have birth defects or increase the risk of stillbirth. Scientist has warned the fathers-to-be to stop smoking for the benefit of their future child. Researchers in the University of Nottingham conducted a study … Read more

Health Tips: Goiter

According to some researchers, there is an increasing number of Filipinos having goiter and 90 percent of Goiter’s cases worldwide is caused by iodine deficiency.   A Goitre or Goiter is an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid and this can become very big which can be seen easily as a m(–foul word(s) removed–) in the neck. … Read more

Health Tips: Diabetes

One of the most common health problems among Filipinos is what we called Diabetes Mellitus. It is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has elevated blood sugar.  This elevation of blood sugar happens because the cells don’t respond to the insulin that is being produced, or the body doesn’t produce enough insulin. … Read more

K2 is Synthetic Marijuana, No Positive Drug Test


A synthetic marijuana called K2, also known as Spice was first identified in December 2008. It has an active ingredient called ‘JHW-018’ in which compound can be produced is similar to the high of marijuana. Only K2 does not produce positive drug test. According to ‘American (–foul word(s) removed–)ociation of Poison Control Centers’ there were … Read more

Health Tips: Hypertension


According to some researchers, Hypertension is one of the common health problems among Filipinos. It refers to the condition of a person where his or her blood pressure remains at an elevated level at all times. It is also called HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. There are two types of Hypertension, the Primary Hypertension and the Secondary … Read more

Those Who Live Longest Have Only One Wife

healthy heart

“Fall in love, have only one spouse and be faithful.” This section of advice neither comes from a spiritual adviser nor from a love guru but from a prominent Cardiologist. Former Health Secretary Esperanza Cabral said, “Those who live longest have only one wife” A Valentine’s Day weekly media forum on Monday at “Kapihan sa … Read more