Agusan Hostage Crisis Update: 13 Hostages Released

Agusan Hostage Crisis

The remaining 13 hostages in Agusan del Sur, Philippines were finally released by armed tribesmen 6 a.m. Wednesday as announced by Prosperidad Mayor Albin Magdamit in a press conference. The captives were said to be abandoned by the Manobo gunmen in an upland forest area outside the village of Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur. It was … Read more

Phil-Jobnet posts more than 60,000 Job Vacancies


This month has been a season where fresh graduates of various courses are into job hunting. Job seekers will be glad to know that the Philippines now holds 60,000 job vacancies as seen on  its official job search website. To compensate with the need for employment, Rosalinda Baldoz, Secretary for the Department of Labor, suggested … Read more

United Nations Aircraft Crashed in Kinshasa, Congo

Congo plane crash

United Nations aircraft crashed as it was about to land at Kinshasa airport on Monday afternoon leading to death of 32 people. U.N. spokesman, Farhan Haq, reported that only one person on board was able to survive at the plane crash. The Bombardier CRJ-200 jet carried 29 p(–foul word(s) removed–)engers that include Congolese and foreigners … Read more

Could this be the First Portrait of Jesus Christ?

Jesus' First Portrait

Christians would consider the picture to be familiar as a strange image was described to be a curly-haired young man, bearded and wearing a seemingly crown of thorns. The said picture was taken from a recently discovered book hidden for more than 2,000 years in a cave that overlooks the Sea of Galilee. If the … Read more

Charlie Sheen was Booed by Unsatisfied Audience Seeking for Ticket Refunds for his “Torpedo of Truth” Debut in Detroit

Charlie Sheen and his goddesses

“Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is not an Option” debut was seemingly a sad event for US actor Charlie Sheen when unsatisfied fans booed him off stage which eventually led to walk-outs on Saturday night in Detroit, Michigan. At first, Sheen was welcomed by the crowd’s standing ovation along with booming applauses of the audience. However, … Read more

City of Abidjan in Ivory Coast, West Africa is currently under Heavy Battle as 800 Lives were taken

Ivory Coast battle

Abidjan, the main City of Ivory Coast is currently under heavy battle because of conflicts between rival forces who aims for power. Loyalists of internationally-recognized president Al(–foul word(s) removed–)ane Ouattara, fight to gain the control of the presidential palace as they attack incumbent Laurent Gbagbo’s residence. The attack resulted to a deadly battle in Ivory … Read more

Burning of Koran in US brings Wrath to the people of Afghanistan

Kandahar protest brought great violence as cars have been burned and gunshots caused several injuries.

Burning of Koran in the United States urged protests as five people were led to death in Kandahar City of Afghanistan. Demonstrators of more than hundreds joined the protest. Gunshots have been heard leading to several bullet injuries while vehicles have been burned. Guards killed several protesters. A day before the protest, seven UN staff … Read more

6.0 Magnitude Earthquake hits Greek island of Crete

map of crete greece

A strong earthquake having a magnitude of 6.0 strikes the Greek island of Crete Friday afternoon. Reports said that there was no warning about tsunami that had been issued. Local police said that there had been no reports of any damage or injuries as of now. However, many buildings have been rattled from Cairo, Egypt … Read more