Tracking of millions of mobile device users will lead to billions of dollars in revenue, those is being hoped by Apple and Google and the rest of Tech companies, however, by the time they see dollars for it, lawmakers raised warning.
The issue about privacy is currently hunting tech companies and lawmakers are looking after them.
Senior Apple and Google executives are to face congressional panel and submit queries about location-tracking and on how and in what sense that it violates the users right especially privacy.
This is in relation to the big reveal last month that there were collected and stored location data for a year from Apple’s iPhones. Further, location software are supposed to be turned off and it paved way to the renewed inquiry of the nexus between privacy and location.
Arguments on the use of data such as what users like, where they are, and who are their friends are currently being raised by Smartphone and advertising companies for this data might be use improperly if mismanage.
There is a huge issue in terms of data revenue. Perhaps, by 2014 time frame or counting, it well north to $3 billion as said by Carther Lusher, an analyst with research firm Ovum.
Furthermore, mobility is also being tackled for it brings lots of good stuffs. Since its mobile, tech companies are capable enough to deliver ads to the market and its consumer anytime in a mobile format and it produces big money.
Purchase nowadays is usually via smartphone like shopping according to trade publication Mobile Marketer. This is based on the study conducted for Google, which sells mobile ads. And the downside took place on the failure of companies, from smartphone makers, to app makers, to advertisers, to disclose to customers the information to collect and what to do with it.
Witnesses will include Google and Apple executives, as well as Federal Trade Commission and Justice Department officials.
A staff said that rights-based harm exists that is why they have the right to know what information’s are gathered from them.
In a statement from Google they had said that they are looking forward to engage with policymakers while Apple spokesman said that the company with regards to the hearing is not yet prepared.