Buying an Apple product is a dream come through for most ordinary netizens but acquiring those products involves a lot of money to spare. One of the latest product of the Cupertino-based company Apple, is an Apple Watch which is worth $10,000 a huge sum of money but for the people who are working with TechRax, the watch is just part of their latest viral video.
As far as we know, the internet loves destroying every brand new technology, to showcase its toughness of its ability to withstand destruction. Even some technology were expensive enough that only a few individuals could afford to buy.
The nerds at TechRax did some surprising move on their latest array of products at hand for testing. They showcased an intro Apple Watch which has 14k gold body and destroy the technology with the use of a magnet with over 650 pounds of force.
Watch How TechRax Destroys the $10,000 Apple Watch:
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