Look: Foreigners Sing The Hit Song “Happy” In Tagalog Version

Youtube artists worked together to be able to make the Tagalog version of  Pharrell Williams hit song “Happy.” In which, it is really very flattering to hear and watch that foreigners can able to speak Tagalog and even made it a song.

This said video was uploaded by Jeff James who is a hit maker in Hawaii through his Youtube channel. This one also looks like the music video of the Tagalog version of the hit song “Happy.”

In the start of the video, the man is currently been lecturing in his class. But then, seems that his way of teaching is not appreciated by his students making some fall asleep, others don’t pay attention and others felt bored with it.

After which, one of his students made a paper airplane and then decided to throw it to him. He was then hit by his mouth. But then, since he was busy lecturing, he did not notice on who hit him in his mouth. It also seems that no one of them will reveal the person who did it.

It then changed the mood of each people in the scene, most especially their teacher. Since then, he grabbed the Ukulele and and started to play a song. After which, he had started the Tagalog version of “Happy.” Watch the video below.

It then catch the attention of his students and the environment was changed afterwards. They all turned to be happy people. Actually, they’ve featured places in the Philippines in the song like Ilocos and Mindanao. And of course, the specialty of almost Filipinos, the “adobo.”

While listening to it, you’ll really feel proud. It’s actually a sign that Philippines is already known to some countries all over the world.

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