A Filipino freelance journalist who is a former ABS-CBN producer is among the CNN iReport Spirit Honorees awarded on March 15 for being able to contribute news articles that give positive outlook about the Philippines.
Sherbien Dacalanio commonly called as Bien brings honor to the Philippines for his “exceptional” contributions on being a responsible citizen journalist. He is a former segment producer for one of the countries’ most prestigious network, ABS-CBN.
Bien’s optimistic articles about the Philippines become a good way of leaving positive impressions to the readers.
Dacalanio had worked being a segment producer for the ABS-CBN show, Rated K.
As a regular viewer of ABS-CBN current affairs shows, Bien Dacalanio says that he had always been dreaming of becoming a journalist.
ABS-CBN current affairs shows such as (–foul word(s) removed–)ignment, The Inside Story and Magandang Gabi Bayan (MGB) are some of the programs that influenced him the most, Bien shares.
Bien Dacalanio is one of freelance journalist who regularly contributes articles for CNN iReport. In fact, he already uploaded a total of 645 articles as of April 21.
He started to join iReport on January 24, 2010. According to CNN, Bien is “like he had been shot out of a canon” when he started to join the site.
A post from the site tells about how they know about Bien. It says, “He travels all over the Philippines, chasing down interesting stories. Sherbien is very eager to learn and is always asking for advice on how he can improve as an iReporter. He says he’s so crazy about doing iReports that when he had surgery recently, he chose the hospital with the best view for shooting a time-lapse video during his recovery.”
As an advice to the youth, Bien says that every young people must pursue their interests and that they must work hard for it in order to achieve their ambitions.