A student at the Pitman High School in Turlock became a viral sensation on YouTube after he nailed a Michael Jackson dance moves during his school’s talent show. The video had already garnered more than 8 million views and counting, the teen was identified as Brett Nichols.
Watch the video performance of teen Michael Jackson:
The teen student Brett Nichols performed Michael Jackson’s hit song “Billie Jean” in front of more than two thousand people last week at Pitman High School. His video was featured on various news sites in the United States after it went viral online.
In a recent interview with FOX40, the teen Michael Jackson sensation made the most of his two-minute performance that got the attention from Michael Jackson’sĀ estate. They reached out to Brett’s family and send out a congratulatory tweet to the teen sensation.
According to the principal of Pitman High School, the performance of the teen Michael Jackson made a huge impact on their institution and all the students who were schooling at Pitman High.
Meanwhile Brett Nichol’s performance of Michael Jackson’s hit song is also a dream came true, for he was able to get the attention that could give him boost that is badly needed on his dream career.
Because of Brett Nichols’ performance he was able to win the talent show competition of Pitman High School.