The show hosted by Luis Manzano, Minute to Win It will air its finale episode this coming February 21, 2014, featuring guest player Angel Locsin. The Prime Tanghali show will bid goodbye after more than a year of entertaining the morning audiences of ABS-CBN.
Minute to Win It game show premiered last January 14, 2013 featuring contestants taking part in a series of 60-second challenge. The Philippine franchise of the show had aired a total of Four formats during its television run, including the original, junior, head to head challenge and the family and team challenge.
Related Article: Angel Locsin Said “Yes” on Finale Video of Minute to Win It
The Minute to Win It is an American primetime show that originally run on NBC with host Guy Fieri, it was then revived in 2013 on GSN with host Apolo Ohno, the most popular US Olympic gold medalist in the Winter Games. The show premiered on March 14, 2010 on NBC.
Luis Manzano confirmed the news through his official Twitter account as he posted the following message to his fans and followers. “Today is the last taping day of #Minute2winitPH! 🙂 wow, more than a year and the most successful franchise of the show! 🙂 thank you guys!” Luis said.
The last two episodes of Minute to Win It, they will feature someone who is so close and special to the host, the main star of the primetime series “The Legal Wife,” no less than the lovely Angel Locsin. The last two episode of the show will be aired this coming February 20 and 21, 2014.
Meanwhile, according to the show’s producer Rose Casala, the show Minute to Win It is supposed to air for only 11 weeks. However, it has been extended for more than a year. The producer also hopes that the show will return on national TV. Minute to Win It made one millionaire from its contestant, the chef tandem of Tristan Encarnacion and Niño Logarta.