Lupus Constellation | Constellations In The Southern Hemisphere
LUPUS CONSTELLATION – In this topic, we are going to know and learn about the southern constellation Lupus, the Wolf.
It is a constellation which lies in the southern sky. It means “the wolf” in Latin.
Lupus represents a sacrificed animal impaled by the centaur, which was holding it toward the altar.
The Greeks knew the constellation as Therium, a wild animal, while the Romans called it Bestia, the beast.
It was possibly taken to represent a creature based on the Babylonian figure of the Mad Dog, which is a hybrid, with a human head and torso and legs and tail of a lion.
Lupus houses the historic supernova remnant SN 1006, the globular clusters NGC 5824 and NGC 5986, and the Retina Nebula.
It is the 46th largest constellation and occupies an area of about 538 square degrees. It lies in SQ3, the third quadrant of the southern hemisphere.
Lupus belongs to the Hercules family, along with Aquila, Ara, Centaurus, Corona Australis, Corvus, Crater, Crux, Cygnus, Hercules, Hydra, Lyra, Ophiuchus, Sagitta, Scutum, Sextans, Serpens, Triangulum Australe and Vulpecula.
Among the stars include:
- 1 Lupi
- Alpha Lupi
- Beta Lupi
- Delta Lupi
- Epsilon Lupi
- Eta Lupi
- Gamma Lupi
- GQ Lupi
- Iota Lupi
- KT Lupi
- Lupus-TR-3
- Nu Lupi
- Phi Lupi
- Pi Lupi
- RU Lupi
- SN 1006
- Tau Lupi
- Zeta Lupi
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