What Is Traverse? Definition And Usage Of This Term

What Is Traverse? Definition And Usage Of This Term

WHAT IS TRAVERSE – In this topic, we will first know and learn the definition of this term and how is this term used in sentences.

What Is Traverse


The Oxford Dictionary defines the term as the following:

  • travel across or through.
  • move (something) back and forth or sideways.
  • deny (an allegation) in pleading
  • an act of traversing something.
  • a part of a structure that extends or is fixed across something.
  • a hill or mountain where traversing is necessary.
  • a mechanism enabling a large gun to be turned to face a different direction.
  • a single line of survey, usually plotted from compass bearings and chained or paced distances between angular points.

Meanwhile, the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines this term as the following:

  • to go or travel across or over
  • to move or pass along or through
  • to make a study of
  • to lie or extend across
  • to move to and fro over or along
  • to ascend, descend, or cross (a slope or gap) at an angle
  • to go against or act in opposition to


Here are some of the following synonyms:

  • travel over/across
  • cross
  • journey over/across
  • make one’s way across
  • pass over
  • go across
  • negotiate
  • extend across
  • lie across
  • stretch across
  • go across
  • cross
  • cut across
  • bridge


It is a Middle English term from the Old French traverser, which is from late Latin traversare.


Here are some examples of the usage of this term:

  • Mr Stuart, in 1862, made his third and final attempt to traverse the continent from Adelaide along a central line, which, inclining a little westward, reaches the north coast of Arnheim Land, opposite Melville Island.
  • In the terrestrial type a pair of well-developed wings traverse the length of the pitcher; in the tubular or funnelshaped form the wings are narrow or ridge-like.
  • It was no doubt regarded (and perhaps not altogether untruly) as a part of a great alpine zone believed to traverse Asia from west to east, whether called Taurus, Caucasus or Imaus.
  • Two main lines of railway traverse the valley; that on the south is the main line from Aix-la-Chapelle, Cologne and Dusseldorf to central Germany and Berlin, that on the north feeds the important towns of the Ruhr valley.

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