What Is Apologia? Definition And Usage Of This Term

What Is Apologia? Definition And Usage Of This Term

WHAT IS APOLOGIA – In this topic, we will first know the definition of this term and how is this term used in sentences.



The Oxford Dictionary described this term as the following:

“a formal written defense of one’s opinions or conduct.”

On the other hand, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines this term as the following:

“a defense especially of one’s opinions, position, or actions”


Here are some of the following synonyms of this term:

  • defense
  • justification
  • vindication
  • explanation
  • apology
  • argument
  • case
  • plea


It is a late 18th century term which is borrowed from the Late Latin term, which, in turn is borrowed from Greek apología speech in defense“, which is derivative of apologeîsthai or “speak in defense, defend oneself“. The same derivations is where the term apology came from.


Here are some of the examples:

  • Whether he meant it so or not, the saint’s argument became a programme and an apologia for the imperializing of the Western Church under the leadership of Rome during the middle ages.
  • It was a popular yet thoroughgoing defence of the whole Protestant position, perhaps the best apologia for the Reformation that was ever written.
  • Defoe declared that Lord Annesley was preparing the army in Ireland to join a Jacobite rebellion, and was indicted for libel; and prior to his trial (1715) he published an apologia entitled An Appeal to Honour and Justice, in which he defended his political conduct.
  • In 1907 he published The Creed of a Layman, Apologia pro fide mea, in explanation of his religious position.

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