Myk Perez vs. John Duka The Voice Ph Battle Rounds Results (Video)

Team Bamboo singers Don Michael Perez and John Philip Duka were the last pair of Kamp Kawayan who set foot on stage on Saturday, August 17, 2013. Don Michael or Myk Perez jammed with John Philip Duka on the song medley popularized by Beatles.

Watch the performance video below:

The song “Hey Jude and Come Together,” got the audience hooked up with Myk and Philip. According to Coach Lea, Bamboo’s influence was obvious in their battle. Coach Lea and Coach Sarah sided with Myk Perez while guest coach Joey Ayala opted for John but the final decision is in the hands of Bamboo.

After Bamboo’s appreciation with both his artists he chose Myk Perez to move on to the next round of the competition.

Myk Perez


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