A Loaf Of Poetry – Full Text Of Poem By Naoshi Koriyama

A Loaf Of Poetry – Full Text Of Poem By Naoshi Koriyama

A LOAF OF POETRY – In this topic, we are going to read the full text of the poem “A Loaf of Poetry” by Naoshi Koriyama.


About the Author

As mentioned above, it was written by a Japanese poet named Naoshi Koriyama ( 郡山 直 ). Koriyama was born in Kikai Island, Japan in the year 1926.

He is a professor of English literature in Japan. Koriyama earned a degree from the New York State College for Teachers.

He writes his poems in English, albeit a Japanese national. His works can be found in anthologies, textbooks and magazines.

This poem can be found in Reading Literature (Red Level) by the MacDougal, Littell & Company. Through this poem, Koriyama tells us how making a poem is like making bread with the two ingredients being the dough of experience and the yeast of inspiration.

Here is the full text of the poem:

you mix
the dough
of experience
the yeast
of inspiration
and knead it well
with love
and pound it
with all your might
and then
leave it
it puffs out big
with its own inner force
and then
knead it again
shape it
into a round form
and bake it
in the oven
of your heart

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