Forms Of Logic – What Are The Forms Of Logic? (Answers)

Answers To The Question: What Are The Forms Of Logic?

FORMS OF LOGIC – In this article, we will learn more about the forms of logic, its significance, and its importance.

Forms of logic
Image from: SingularityHub

One could understand logic through two types of arguments. These are deductive and inductive.

Deductive – This type of reasoning gives complete evidence and facts of the truth in its conclusion. It utilizes a specific and accurate premise that leads to an accurate conclusion.

Inductive – This type of reasoning is sometimes called “bottom-up”. It takes specific information in order to create a broad generalization that can be deemed probable.

This allows for the fact that the conclusion could possibly be inaccurate. In addition, this reasoning form usually involves rules being established based on repeated experiences.

According to an article from Your Dictionary, here are some examples of Deductive and Inductive Logic.

Deductive Logic:

  • All Squares are rectangles. All rectangles have four sides
    • Logic: Therefore, all squares have four sides.
  • All dogs have a good sense of smell. Bailey is a dog
    • Logic: Therefore, Bailey has a good sense of smell
  • When it rains, trees get wet. The trees are wet this morning.
    • Logic: Therefore, it rained last night.

Inductive Logic:

  • Every house that burned in the fire in your neighborhood was caused by faulty wiring
    • Your conclusion is that all homes on the block have faulty Wiring
  • Every 3-year-old baby you see in the park every afternoon cries and screams.
    • Your conclusion is that all 3-year-olds spends the afternoon crying and screaming.
  • Every man who does wrestling is strong.
    • Your conclusion is that all strong men do wrestling.

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