Maria Aragon the newest youtube sensation was doing great in her latest appearance with different media organization in the United States. After her standing ovation performance in Ellen DeGeneres show and a confirmation from Lady Gaga that she will be performing with her idol in the upcoming conert in Toronto. Once again the Little Lady Gaga showcased her talents in Good Morning America.
Maria Aragon, the Filipino-Canadian social media’s latest craze have acknowledged during her interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that although she performed with a piano she had never been into formal schooling with the instrument. Good Morning America presented with her a piano lesson for six months after doing the interview.

The Little Lady Gaga have definitely caught the attention of people walking in Times Square where she was shown live with her recent interview and performance in Good Morning America on thursday, February 24, 2011 U.S. time.
Maria Aragon have gone a long way after the famous Lady Gaga posted a link of her video and promoted it on twitter. They will be performing live at Lady Gaga’s upcoming concert on March 3, 2011 in Canada.
Here is the link of Maria Aragon’s GMA interview: