Doctors Remove Bottle Caps, Pebbles, Coins From Patient’s Stomach

Doctors Found Objects Inside a Patient’s Stomach

DOCTORS – Medical doctors found bottle caps, pebbles, and coins from a patient’s stomach.

Being anxious is normal especially when you are giving a speech, going to a job interview, or the first day of school. It’s normal to be fearful or nervous.

However, feelings of anxiety can either be mild or severe. Some people need immediate medical attention if they cannot overcome their uneasiness.

Photo Source: Reader’s Digest

Meanwhile, a 54-year-old unnamed patient was found born with mental retardation. The man had a 10-year-history of anxiety disorder was admitted to a hospital.

Based on a report for, Inquirer, the patient was immediately sent to the hospital’s emergency department of epigastric pain.

A doctor from Inje University College of Medicine’s Ilsan Paik Hospital in South Korea named Dr. Pyong Wha Choi shared the news to the American Journal of Medical reports.

Photo Source: The Heart Hospital Plano

According to the report, the doctor found something unusual on the patient’s X-ray result. He said, “something resembling small stones” was inside the man’s stomach.

Aside from that, the doctor also said that he found many foreign bodies inside the man’s body.

The patient was taking anti-anxiety medication but he had a habit of swallowing coins and pebbles whenever he felt anxious.

Doctors objects
Photo Source: Inquirer

Doctors inserted a thin tube to the stomach via the patient’s mouth or Gastroscopy. However, due to the amount of objects inside the body, they resorted the surgery.

The bottle caps, coins, and pebbles that were found on the patient’s body weight around two (2) kilograms.

Doctors objects found
Photo Source: Inquirer

Based on the report, Dr. Pyong Wha Choi stated that mentally retarded patients may eat objects accidentally while psychiatric patients may eat them on purpose.

“Cases with a large number of gastric foreign bodies are extremely rare in humans”

“However, such foreign body ingestion may occur in patients with psychiatric disorders for secondary gain or other purposes”

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