Social networking sites can be of great help to the reconciliation of communist rebels and Muslim separatists. Indeed, even President Benigno Aquino III campaigns for its fulfillment.
People can become citizen journalists in their own way. Where, their voices can be freely heard using Facebook and Twitter. It is through responding through current events, reporting information to whatever topics at hand and encouraging young minds to express their views and opinions online.
As democracy is enjoyed in the Philippines, President Aquino urges every individual to rise and be a part of peace talks between rebels and Muslims.
During President Aquino’s speech at Quezon Memorial Circle, Tuesday, he announced that Facebook and Twitter accounts have already been made in order that the office of the Presidential Adviser could update the Filipino citizens regarding the negotiations for peace between the two rivals.
Now, the public is convinced to participate, respond and internalize peace advocacy through sharing their views and recommendations to be able to touch the lives of others to be able to promote peace within our nation. Such move comes with the use of social networking sites which has changed the Filipino lifestyles nowadays.
During the symbolic event of Light of Peace candle-lighting rites, President Aquino stated that every Filipino is affected by the peace talks. He also added that he had been encouraging everyone to participate and be part of the solution instead of adding to the problem.
Since we are all part of one circle, we, as Filipino citizens, should start to become citizen journalists as we face our daily events.
It cannot be denied that most Filipinos are now relatively influenced by the role played by the internet nowadays. So, it is closely possible that campaigns connecting to peace talks will be fast and easy.
Why not share your clicks to view and help promote peace talks? Being a sensitive citizen to the current situation that is happening at the present will surely contribute to faster peace agreements.
As quoted from President Aquino’s statement, anyone can become an answer to the existing problem. You just have to keep yourself updated as you participate in the programs that you believe would promote peace for our country.