Sen. Escudero Twits Sen. Tatad for “Picking” on Sen. Poe But “Tolerating” VP Binay

Vice Presidential candidate Sen. Chiz Escudero twitted former Sen. Kit Tatad on Tuesday for “picking” on Sen. Grace Poe while “tolerating” Vice President Jejomar Binay in political advertisements. Sen. Chiz Escudero is Sen. Grace Poe’s running mate while the former senator Tatad is a known ally of VP Binay.

Sen. Escudero

The former senator Kit Tatad asked the Supreme Court through a 10-page manifestation filed last Monday, he asked the high tribunal to take “swift and appropriate action” against the advertisement, saying it was meant to sway the magistrates to vote in her favor.

Sen .Grace Poe has a pending appeal with the Supreme Court against the two rulings of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) canceling her certificate of candidacy for president allegedly due to “material misrepresentations” in the issues of her citizenship and residency.

The former senator Tatad was one of the petitioners against Sen. Grace Poe. According to Sen. Escudero Tatad’s petition at the Supreme Court aims to deprive Poe of her right to defend herself against “deliberate attempts” to mislead the public about the real status of her candidacy.

The controversial political ad of Sen. Grace Poe features two men and two women talking about her disqualification cases and how they are similar to the case of her father, the late Fernando Poe Jr. (FPJ).

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