Angel Locsin Dad Has 50+ Green Bones

Angel Locsin had this reaction after learning this about the remains of her father

Actress Angel Locsin and her siblings went emotional after knowing that the remains of their father Angelo Colmenares had over 50 green bones.

Some people have certain beliefs about green bones. It was said that having this bone after one’s death would mean that the said person had lived a life as a good individual. In the remains of Angel’s father, not only one green bone was found but more than 50.

Based on the article in The Philippine Star, Angel’s sister Ella shared on a social media post the touching story about their father’s remains.

angel locsin dad
📷: @allaboutangellocsin / Instagram

Ella shared that when the staff of Heritage Chapel gave them their dad’s urn, it came with a “transparent ziplock bag, filled with strange green fragments.”

One of the staff said with a voice filled with awe that they have been doing this and found green bones, but this was the first time that they found so many. Ella said that hearing this gave her a light feeling, as for her, their dad was trying to say something to them.

“Everyone seemed amazed, as though Dad had left us a final message that he was at peace, and that he left us good luck,” Ellas said. However, as she was hearing this from the staff of the chapel, her mind was thinking about another thing. She searched, “Why do bones turn green after cremation?” on the internet.

Ella shared that scientific explanation for this.
“Science had an answer, as it always does. It was a chemical reaction — caused by metallic compounds or by antibiotic residues. There may be antibiotics that Dad had taken during those long days in the hospital, and maybe from the titanium in his ankle from that accident long ago. The high heat and the chemical make- up of his body— all of it combined to tint his bones green.”

Although Ella believed that scientific explanation, she was still entertaining the idea that her dad was a good person and that he had a “life lived with discipline, love, and sacrifice.”

Then, as all of this was happening, Angel Locsin stirred awake and her eyes were puffy from crying. The actress was told about her dad’s green bones. “Really? Dad left us green bones?’ she whispered, her voice fragile but filled with wonder. Our brother smiled and nodded, ‘Yes. So many,’” Ella shared the conversation that happened, adding that Angel was suddenly happy and proud.

angel locsin
📷: #teamangelph IG

For the first time since their dad passed away, Ella said that she saw Angel smile a small smile but real. Ella had the urge to tell Angel about the scientific explanation but was hindered by this thought.

I looked at her holding onto that fragile joy. I swallowed my words. I let her believe. I let her be happy. Because maybe, in a way, Dad did leave us a gift. Not just green bones, but a reminder of how much he loved us, how much of himself he gave to us while he lived.” Ella shared.

Whether it was science or a miracle, Angel Locsin’s sister said that what mattered to them was the “lessons of hard work, quiet strength, and love” that their dad left them.

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