Is it true that Manny Pacquiao and Rufa Mae Quinto are involved in the Dermacare issue?
A source of talent manager-vlogger Ogie Diaz revealed that boxer-turned-politician Manny Pacquiao and comedienne Rufa Mae Quinto also have a warrant of arrest after celebrity entrepreneur Neri Miranda was arrested.
In a statement released by Parokya ni Edgar vocalist Chito Miranda, he mentioned that Neri was just an endorser of the beauty clinic Dermacare. In a previous report, it was said that Neri shared back in 2021 that a franchise of the beauty clinic was one of her new businesses.
Her face was also featured in Dermacare’s advertisement that the company was open for franchise partners. Chito stressed that his wife did not steal the investors’ money.

Days prior to the release of the resolution from the Securities and Exchange Commission stating the Dermacare is no longer allowed to get investors, Neri Miranda already released a statement through a Facebook post that she is no longer affiliated with the said beauty clinic.
However, in an explanation made by SEC Director Filbert Catalino Flores III, the celebrity entrepreneur allegedly had dealings with the investors of Beyond Skin Care, which is the company being investigated.
In a recent episode of Ogie Diaz’s Showbiz Update Vlog, he shared that his source revealed that there is also a warrant of arrest issued against Manny Pacquiao and Rufa Mae Quinto.
It was allegedly because of their connection to Dermacare. Just like Neri, Rufa Mae is also an endorser of Dermacare while Manny was labeled as the company’s franchisee and brand ambassador back in 2022.

Ogie said that he hopes this is not true and Manny and Rufa Mae’s camps can clarify this matter. The talent manager-vlogger added that perhaps these two celebrities have no idea also about the “surprise” warrant of arrest.
To recall, Chito said in his statement that they did not receive any notification from the court regarding the cases filed against Neri and they were just surprised that a warrant of arrest was issued against her. In a recent report, Neri asked the court to junk her cases.
As of this writing, Manny Pacquiao and Rufa Mae Quinto have yet to release their statement about this.