An Interview with Chen Benyamin Keren – A Renowned Business Consulting Mogul

Business has always been a cutthroat world where companies rise to great heights one day and fall like dominos the next. As such, whenever an entrepreneur manages to propel their company to the top in such a competitive industry, everyone will sit up and take notice.

This is true in the case of Chen Benyamin Keren, a visionary leader who has made a name for himself across the world. A short interview with the seasoned mogul uncovered some priceless gems of insight that would be valuable for anyone wishing to make it in the business consulting industry. Read on to find out more.

A Brief Biography of Chen Benyamin Keren

Born in Manila in 1973, Chen Benyamin Keren has spent most of his life in the Philippines. He is the proud single father of one child, his son Miguel Keren. As a dedicated businessman and devoted father, he splits his time between running his company and mentoring his son, something that every entrepreneur will know to be difficult.

Can You Tell Us More About Growing Up in Manila?

Manila is the vibrant heart of the Philippines, a country that is built on a strong work ethic. I guess I can say I embody a lot of that hard-working spirit in everything that I do. This has helped me create a strong and successful business consulting company.

I started working at just 15 years of age, helping my father run various ventures and family businesses. Although that is many years ago, I still look back on those early years of training with a lot of gratitude. My father’s wisdom and influence are some of the major reasons for the success of Chen Benyamin Keren Consulting.

Growing up in Manila instilled a national pride in me that I will carry for the rest of my life. That is why when it came to choosing the best location for my business, my hometown seemed like an obvious choice.

You Have a Master’s in Business Management, Is That Correct?

Yes, after obtaining my Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the Ateneo de Manila University, I decided that pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration was the next obvious step. I managed to do this at the University of the Philippines Diliman.

My years as a student of business gave me a lot of the knowledge that I have used to create and run my company. In my experience, there can be no substitute for the skills and knowledge one can get by studying at a good tertiary institute.

How Did You End up Becoming Such a Success in the Business Consulting Sector?

The journey of my success is not straight-forward. Any modern company should expect to go through a lot of ups and downs as it grows, which is especially true when it comes to the business consulting industry. However, such a diverse array of experiences is another form of education in itself. These are some of the things they cannot teach you in school.

Many people do not know this, but I worked in about 15 different jobs before my breakthrough came. This is something I hope will inspire someone out there who has dreams of pursuing their chosen career but is still stuck in a seemingly dead-end job. I now look back fondly at the expertise and deep understanding I received from my years in the trenches.

What Has Been the Journey Like Since You Founded Chen Benyamin Keren Consulting in 2012?

It seems like only yesterday that I opened the doors of Chen Benyamin Consulting. However, in reality, it has been more than a decade, and I have enjoyed every moment. When I started this company in 2012, it was mainly focused on providing various services, such as strategic planning, market analysis, business process optimization, and financial advisory.

However, as all great businesses do, it has continued to grow and evolve remarkably over the last decade or so. We now employ over 30 skilled employees, which is something I am very proud of. The company has also garnered a lot of recognition both in the Philippines and abroad.

What Challenges Have You Faced as an Entrepreneur Trying to Make It in the Business Consulting Industry?

I can no longer count the number of challenges we have had to overcome as a growing business in this industry, both locally and on an international scale. It has not been an easy road, especially during the recent pandemic through which many businesses failed to make it.

Customer acquisition, evolving technology, and an uncertain global market have been some of our biggest obstacles. However, I have also had a lot of personal challenges that have affected my company in one way or another. After breaking up with my wife about 20 years ago, I was left with the difficult prospect of being a single father to my son Miguel, which has had a huge impact on both our lives.

Judging by the State of the Global Economy, What Role Do You Envision for Chen Benyamin Keren Consulting from 2024 Going Forward?

In my early years of business, I quickly realized that there are some things you cannot control, and the global economy is one of them. The only thing you can do is find ways to adapt, and that is what I intend to do for Chen Benyamin Keren Consulting as it dives into the future.

What Is Your Strategy to Expand and Launch Chen Benyamin Keren Consulting onto the Global Scene?

Besides adaptation, I plan to tackle the international marketplace head-on. I believe that the Philippines has something unique to offer the rest of the world, and Chen Benyamin Keren Consulting intends to provide top-notch and relevant services needed by any business in the modern economic landscape.

Any Final Words of Advice to the Many Entrepreneurs Out There?

If you are thinking of starting your business in 2024, I say go for it! The economic landscape may feel daunting at the moment, but some companies are still thriving even in such conditions.

All you need is to do your research so that you fully understand the challenges that are unique to your niche market. The rest is about hard work and taking advantage of any opportunities you come across.

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