Socorro Bayanihan Services Head Faces Charges: Hope It’s Not Ningas Cogon

DOJ filed charges against the leader of Socorro Bayanihan Services Inc.

Socorro Bayanihan Services Inc. (SBSI) Jey Rence Quilario or “Senior Agila” is facing charges filed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and hopefully, this is not just a ningas cogon.

Back in September, this issue caught the attention of the Senate when Senator Risa Hontiveros stated that complaints reached her office against the leader of the religious group in Surigao del Norte.

Quilario was accused of committing qualified trafficking, kidnapping, and serious illegal detention, the Act Prohibiting the Practice of Child Marriage, and the Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination.

socorro bayanihan services leader jey
📷: The Philippine Star

This religious mess was under the Senate hearing days after this issue blew up. One of the female former members made a revelation during the hearing.

Jane, who is not her real name, claimed that young women in their “cult” were paired with older men to be their partners. She also said that Senior Agila justified that men can force their wives to have intercourse with them. Jane added that they were told that this was a rule to go to heaven, what an absurd commandment.

In a recent report from The Philippine Star, it was stated that the DOJ has formally filed qualified human trafficking, facilitation of child marriage, solemnization of child marriage and child abuse charges against the leader of Socorro Bayanihan Services Inc. and 12 other members of the group.

In an inteview, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said, “Meron na tayong 21 cases filed sa Surigao finile lahat…is just the beginning dahil marami pang angles ang tinitingnan dito.”

He also said that for now, charges were filed in Surigao del Norte but they believe that the cases should be tried here in Manila or another venue.

Socorro Bayanihan Services
📷: Socorro Bayanihan Services FB Page

This means that the justice system is rolling. I just hope that this will not stop here and will just be another case of ningas cogon. The DOJ and everyone who has the ability to serve what is right should get involved.

The Philippines is a developing country and with the advent of technology and the availability of information, it is quite surprising that there are still groups of people who are enticed by words from someone who they think is superior to them.

Who would think that someone like Senior Agila would lead a large group of people who appeared to be blindly following his commands? In this case, more than the justice that the authorities can give to the victims, there should be an effort to educate people in remote places so that they should not be so gullible as those who fell victim because they falsely believe in a self-proclaimed leader.

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