Pokwang on ‘Mga Desparada’ Mentioning Her on Lee O’Brian’s IG Page

Pokwang slammed “desperate” women

Kapuso comedienne Pokwang has this post slamming those “desperadas” who mentioned her on her ex-partner Lee O’Brian’s Instagram page.

Pokie once again showed her fierceness on social media and again, this is something to do with her former partner. It is known to many that the comedienne had a bad breakup with Lee.

The showbiz circle also knew the effort of Pokie to conceal initially what really happened between her and Lee because of her hope that they will reconcile and get back together, especially since they have a daughter named Malia.

📷: Abante

However, Pokwang, later on, revealed the true story of their breakup. Her fierce statement against her former partner did not sit well with some netizens. For some, she is becoming too much and she has to move on already.

In an Instagram post on June 2, Pokie once again released a statement about Lee O’Brian. This is particularly addressed to women who she calls “desperada” in taking the attention of her former partner.

The Kapuso comedienne stressed that those women can do their “papansin” by all means but they do need to mention her name. “Di nyo na kailangan siraan ako sa kanya makuha nyo lang atensyon nya! habang marami kayong sinasabi mas lalo ako di titigil mapatalsik yan!” she said.

Pokie also stressed that those women have no right to ridicule her because she is doing her best to be a mother and a father at the same time to her daughter Malia. She shared that there were people who are telling her about this because she already blocked Lee on her Instagram page.

Naka block na sakin yan may mga nag rereport sakin kadiri mga desperada! kayo ang lumalabas na bitter hindi ako mga uhaw sa green card!” Pokwang said.

What can you say about this?

RELATED ARTICLE: Pokwang Slams Media Site For Claiming She’s ‘Nalalagasan ng followers’

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