Ping Lacson Criticized for His Statement on Gabriela’s “Menstrual Leave” Bill
Former senator Panfilo “Ping” Lacson drew flak on social media for his statement regarding the “menstrual leave” bill filed by Gabriela.
The former senator recently resorted to Twitter to vent his feelings on a bill introduced by Gabriela Women’s Party Representative Arlene Brosas. Brosas introduced legislation to provide women with paid time off during their menstrual cycle.
The measure also provides women with two days off per month. This is to provide the assistance they require to manage their reproductive health without fear of negative consequences such as loss of income. As a result, swift enactment of this measure is urgently desired.

Meanwhile, the former senator weighs in on the women’s bill. On March 24, he tweeted that the next measure should focus on menopausal andropause. His tweet appeared to be satirical, according to netizens.
“Maternity leave, paternity leave, and now, menstrual leave – all with pay. Next time, a legislative measure will be filed mandating menopause and andropause allowances to increase the testosterone levels of workers,” said the senator in his tweet.

Netizens, particularly women, reacted quickly, as evidenced by the comments section of the tweet. On the other side, other netizens believe that passing this bill is unnecessary because it may limit the positions or jobs that women can hold.
“No uterus no comment. The life of men is good. No monthly pain and not carrying a child for nine months. But women, despite experiencing all these, are still highly discriminated against especially in the workforce. You thought it was a walk in the park for us.”
“Try experiencing this pain monthly, add all the other symptoms that women also experience when they visit monthly, like migraine, body aches, dizziness, high / low body temp, fatigue, mood swings etc, then let’s talk.”
“Honestly sir, maybe the two-day menstrual leave is ok… since you are a man, you don’t know the feeling of writhing in pain while working… there is a choice not to work if you are not well, since you don’t want to reduce the salary , will be forced to work…”
“Well, it’s about time coz’ period pain really exists. It’s not a bad thing to increase the things women get to have when working. Some countries already have that law. The latter on the other hand is impossible until it’s inevitable.”
Meanwhile, Lacson released a cryptic tweet, “A tweeter’s options: If the reply is a contrary opinion – read and understand; if it’s unreasonable – read and ignore; if irrational and vitriolic – mute; if it’s copy-paste nonsense – block and make the low-life troll handler create another false account.”
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