Writer’s Block Among Students: 10 Ways to Prevent & Deal With It

So, your muse has left you. Of course, you can whine about this, looking at a blank sheet in the editor and diagnosing yourself. Am I facing burnout and apathy? In fact, this will lead you nowhere. So it’s better to get out of the vicious circle as fast as you can. Is there a way to get a fresh look and overcome writer’s block? Of course, and below we have collected the 10 time-tested techniques. 

  1. Try A New Text Editor

Sometimes routine is the key to success, and sometimes it is its finish. Plus, by perceiving essay writing as a boring chore, you will only make things worse. If the white Word sheet terrifies you, it’s time to stop your suffering. There are many apps and text editors which you don’t associate with something negative. Try Bear, iA Writer, Scrivener, or Simplenote. A new editor, along with cool music in the background (for example, Lo-Fi beats for concentration) and a cup of coffee will definitely give you inspiration.

However, there are times when enormous stress and anxiety fully stop you from working. Luckily, you can free yourself from them by reaching out to a professional essay writing service and letting the authors do the job for you. Outsourcing is surely the best way to manage it all, whether it’s getting great grades, having a positive reputation and maintaining mental health balance, of course. 

  1. Change Your Schedule

This tip is meant to help you escape your daily routine. Yes, many writers have a strict schedule, for example, Stephen King, Haruki Murakami, Susan Sontag and others. But they made a ritual out of their creativity, and this made them immerse in a special state of mind. However, if you start working at 10 am every day but after an hour, there is no quality content in the file, then your creative routine should certainly be adjusted.

What does it look like in practice? If you usually begin writing in the morning, then why not try doing it in the evening? Turn on the sounds of a fireplace in the background, imagining that you are in the forest, far away from the city’s bustle. Or try writing in a new place, be it a coffee shop where you haven’t been before or a cozy library.

  1. Distract Yourself

Go for a walk, wash the dishes, or take a shower. Have you ever had sudden insights while brushing your teeth or cooking? The fact is that our brain is able to produce brilliant ideas in the background, when we are fully relaxed. So the brain is free of tension and our head is open to insights and innovative ideas.

By the way, the characters of James Joyce and Virginia Woolf often stroll around reflecting on things. So stop sitting still and go somewhere. When the conscious brain turns off, the subconscious mind turns on, and this is exactly what you need.

  1. Release Your Emotions

Releasing hidden feelings with the help of words is a great exercise for liberating creative energy. Share your anger, irritation and fatigue. In the end, there is nothing more valuable than real human emotions. The key thing here is to write everything that comes to mind. Who knows, maybe you will find something worthwhile in this stream of thoughts?

  1. Nourish Your Soul

New pictures, new people, new impressions – all this pulls us out of everyday life and gives us the opportunity to look at reality from a different angle. The wider your horizon, the better you write. And most importantly, your mental health will be better, since you will fill your brain and heart with new sensations.

  1. Don’t Be Afraid Of Mistakes

The fear of making a mistake is paralyzing. The inner critic blocks our creative side, reminding us of risks and failures, and dictating what is right and safe. No doubt, you can overcome this inner critic by limiting his rights. Otherwise, you will be so afraid of doing something wrong that you will refrain from any attempt. 

  1. Get Inspired By Someone Else’s Ideas

The idea of creating something completely new is good, but it is far from reality. Many authors say that everything brilliant has already been created. However, this doesn’t mean that we can’t present old truths in a new light and in a more relevant form. Borrowing ideas (we don’t mean mindless plagiarism, of course) is a nice foundation for your own creativity. 

Have you heard of the book named “Steal Like An Artist” by Austin Kleon? The author says that there is nothing completely original in today’s world. Some may find this idea depressing, but in fact, any creative person is a collector. The more ideas, the more accumulated baggage that will influence you.

  1. Never Underestimate Beautiful Sounds

According to a study completed by the University of Chicago, the average noise level doesn’t interfere with work and creativity. On the contrary, it has a positive effect on the working process and its result. So it’s best to turn on the sound you truly love. The waves and seagulls, Tibetan singing bowls, morning forest or just white noise – choose what you like and let it set you in the right mood.

  1. Think Less About Your Readers

It is impossible to please everyone. However, writing for no one isn’t a good idea either. That is why Kurt Vonnegut came up with a universal rule for writing something outstanding: “Write for the pleasure of only one person.”

Imagine someone you trust, whether it’s your friend, teacher, or a family member. Address them in the text and be sure they will be engaged in reading it.

  1. Set Unique Goals

Once you get bored of writing, think about how many more techniques and artistic means you haven’t mastered yet. Set yourself an unusual goal such as:

  • Come up with an unusual metaphor related to a particular topic;
  • Use symbols in the text;
  • Reduce the amount of writing by 30%, leaving the most meaningful parts.

To Wrap It Up

Can one overcome writer’s block? Of course. The main strategy is to give the brain new sensations. 

And finally, here are two more great tips. Think of an imaginary friend and tell them about what worries you. Practice this and you will learn to be sincere and more aware of your emotions. You can also write when you fall asleep: in this state, the brain works at special frequencies. Surely, once you try the methods mentioned below, you will definitely find the perfect one for you.

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