A Man Of Few Words Poem From Various Writers, Some Examples

Here’s a man of few words poem and other poems of the same subject from various writers.

MAN OF FEW WORDS POEM – These are some poems about “a man of few words” which were written by various authors. Check them out below!

Poems are the flowery words of our deepest thoughts. Through words, poems can describe the deepest of our emotions and the maximum of our happiness. It reflects us. It reflects real scenarios. It reflects love. It reflects you.

Some people find comfort in turning their pain into words and this is what poems are made of – feelings, thoughts, and emotions – the artistic languages of the people. But technically speaking, there are certain elements and structures that make up a poem’s distinction and stand out from the other literary forms.

The elements that made up poetry include voice, diction, imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allegory, syntax, sound, rhythm and meter, and structure.

Man Of Few Words Poem

Here are some reads about “a man of few words” poem as written by different writers:

A Man Of Few Words by Ottar

A doer not a talker,
A finder’s keepers,
not a stalker,
first he is A Man,
gentle in his MANnerisms,
but not the knuckles or
his calloused hands.

He does not stand out
in his field, he is too busy
working to increase the yield,
not make best use of fifteen
minutes, OF Few men can
this be said, his hat still fits
his crew cut hairy head.

when he opens his mouth
to speak, his thoughts take
shape and become Words,
not charged with emotion,
not angered or raging,
not with some rite of self-
righteous indignation.
He speaks his peace,
and sits his ***, on the
nearest thing he can find,
he has a sound body and
a sound mind, when she
decides and marries him she
will find, treasure. Rare.

The Wise One Is A Man Of Few Words by Francis Duggar

The wise one is a man of few words he does not belong to a Social Club
He has a glass of wine after supper he is never at the Local Pub
Most who know him think that he is not wise since he has so little to say
Feel lucky they say that if from him you get a hello or good day
He has grown wise from mixing with wise people from wise elders insights he does gain
And he is one who is a good listener and the wisdom he has learnt he retain
None ever go to him for advice they say of life what would he know
They do not believe he’s a wise one they say no this cannot be so
But Joe his near neighbour who knows him better than most do with their thinking on him does not agree
He says there is more knowledge and wisdom in his mind than the combined local community
And yet he does not flaunt his wisdom or he does not crave local or widespread esteem
He appears ordinary and quiet spoken though more the pity that does seem
People like him never become leaders we follow the fool leader like sheep
But like an old saying worth remembering quiet waters do always run deep.

A Man Of Few Words by Seth Morrow

I am a man of few words though the words I do carry/carry weight

And you have my word that the day I do speak will be worth the wait

And I know a man just like me
With wisdom brimming from cheek to cheek and leaking out between his teeth
Yet not one word hit the ground
And He taught me how powerful it is to speak softly with ardent intentions
That in silence it’s not an abundance of words but a lack of them that captures attention
And with three words he ended his lesson
His crescendo
His climax
His final proclamation
And He had my attention.

A Man Of Few Words by Amitabh Sarwate

A man of few words was he
And sparingly he gave them away
For he stood by them sun or rain
Bound to the words he would say
Popular nor famous was he
His whereabouts were like those of a bird
But when you needed him, he was there
For he was a man of his word
If he was your friend, he was there
When the world said much, but did little
For you, he did even what others called absurd
For he was a man of his word
Life and death with equal calm he met
Joy writ on his face
Where others would have broken and shuddered
Silence he was and in silence he passed
For he was a man of his word


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