Here are some sample topics for an impromptu speech and some tips for giving one.
IMPROMPTU SPEECH – Learning what is an impromptu speech, some sample topics, and some effective tips to do this.
Harappa defined an impromptu speech as a speech delivered without any preparation. By how it is defined, it appears to be a bit intimidating as it may not sound as glamorous compared to a speech that is well-thought-of and well-organized.

There are actually instances where one gets to deliver a speech without preparation like small talk at networking events or parties, during business meetings, weddings and other social events, and last-minute changes if the original speaker goes absent.
Here are some tips for giving this kind of speech:
- Using 5 Ws (who, what, where, when, and why) is always helpful. It gives your speech an organized structure despite the speaker not being prepared.
- Useful during formal occasions is using the diplomatic framework when the speaker talks about the advantages and disadvantages of the topic and gives a conclusion at the end. Other things to buy time for yourself to think of what to do next are walking up, going down the stage, or asking your audience any questions.
- During social events, you may do storytelling. This is an easy way to make you connected with the people who are listening to you.
The University of Tennessee Knoxville listed down 50 topics in their blog and they are the following:
- What could the rich do to better understand the poor?
- The best letter of the alphabet
- My favorite day of the year
- How to impress your parents
- If I could go back in time to my senior year in high school, what advice would I give myself?
- A trip to remember
- The personal achievement I’m most proud of is… (because…)
- The greatest gifts we can give others are…
- My biggest concern for the future
- I have great respect for…. Because…
- If I could spend one day with someone from history, it would be…
- If I had invented school
- Explain 3 things you wish you knew before entering college
- What are you grateful for
- When I was a kid I was afraid of
- My favorite season is… because…
- The worst job I’ve ever had…
- This semester, I’m most proud of accomplishing… (because)
- A day that stands out
- A dream or aspiration I have…
- Great things about snow days.
- A day in my life.
- My favorite Christmas time memory is…
- What I would do if I knew I could not fail
- If I could be a certain age forever, it would be…
- If I had a million dollars to give away
- How I would survive a horror movie.
- Describe a time when you have been most proud this semester
- Great things about the ocean
- My idea of the perfect day is…
- The best surprise ever
- What ice cream flavor would you invent and why? (think Ben & Jerry’s)
- If I could design a school
- Three things I’d change if I ruled the world.
- My strongest talent is…
- If I were in charge of school lunches.
- What is your favorite animal?
- My favorite class I have taken so far is…
- How to plan a party.
- The best birthday I ever had was…
- If I could be an animal, I would be…
- If I could travel through time.
- My most prized possession is… (because…)
- Why sports are important.
- The best surprise ever…
- The worst chores at home.
- Why do I deserve an allowance…
- Why your mom/dad is special.
- If you had one day to live over again, what day would you pick?
- Three surprising facts about me.
- My favorite holiday is…
- A place I want to travel (2 or 3 reasons why)
- What book, movie, or video have you seen/read recently you would recommend and why?
- What is something you would like to see in your lifetime and why?
- If I were a superhero my superpower would be…
- A remarkable characteristic/fact about my family is…
- When I graduate from college I will thank the following people… because…
- 3 keys to a happy life
- If I could travel back in time, I’d go to [fill in the blank] period because
- Whom do you admire most?
- Favorite summer memory…
- My favorite book
- If cats/dogs ruled the world
- A job I’d love to have.
- How to achieve your dreams.
- How to annoy a sibling
- Discuss the most memorable event in your life…
- The best gift I’ve ever been given was…
- 2 or 3 things I will never eat… because…
- My favorite vacation was…
- How to spend a rainy day.
- My dream job would be… (because…)
- If I could only eat three foods forever
- Three things that scare me.
- Reasons not to make your bed in the morning
- The best movie ever (2 or 3 reasons why)
- Who has been the most influential person in your life and why
- An important lesson I’ve learned
- How to win over your boyfriend/girlfriend’s parents
- My most vivid childhood memory is…
- Explain 3 lessons you’ve learned so far while attending college
- My career ambition is…
- My favorite family tradition is…
- This semester has been … (because…)
- Why books are important.
- The best theme park rides.
- The most important thing I’ve learned from college so far is…
- Kahalagahan Ng Dula – Bakit Mahalaga Ang Isang Dula?
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