How Did 4000 Vehicles Attend A Robredo Motorcade At Naga?
ROBREDO MOTORCADE – Netizens are now questioning how 4000 vehicles managed to attend a motorcade in support for Leni Robredo at Naga.
For such a small city, surely 4,000 vehicles couldn’t possibly fit the tiny streets. One netizen even cited using Google Earth and “made a few measurements”.

According to the netizen, the longest street in the center of the city is roughly 2km long. Furthermore, he emphasized that 4,000 vehicles inside Naga would choke the entire city.

But, where did the number 4,000 come from? Journalist Maria Ressa wrote the article and said 4,000 vehicles showed up in support of Leni. Now, netizens are calling her a blatant liar because it was “impossible” for that many vehicles to fit.

Unfortunately, 4,000 vehicles CAN easily fit. Most of the netizens speculated that a vehicle is automatically a “Car”. However, a vehicle is simply a thing used to transport people or goods.
One netizen even gave measurements using the average length of a car in comparison to the length of the street. But, what most of the anti-Leni didn’t do is actually read the article.
In the article, it was stated that “Cars, trucks, motorcycles, and bicycles carried posters and ribbons in Robredo’s trademark pink”. Additionally, the motorcade didn’t just show up along one street.

Bicycles, motorcycle riders, and other small vehicles joined the motorcade at different kick-off points including the University of Santo Tomas in Legazpi. Moreover, Four and two-wheeled transportation caught up with the caravan along Sabloyon road.
Another set of vehicles also waited from Tabaco as long lines of motor vehicles waited for the main group in Ligao with the caravan heading toward Polangui.
Meanwhile, other netizens say that 4,000 vehicles are definitely possible considering most upper and middle-class families have motor vehicles. But, what do you think about this? Leave your comments below.
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Justifying falsehood is evil and a product of a polluted mind
Maria Ressa was somewhat right in estimating that 4000 vehicles joined the motorcade of #SupportLeni which converged in various locations in the city. Even a simple bicycle can be called a vehicle as long as it can transport or can be ridden by a person.