Welcome Plant (ZZ Plant) – Easy Indoor Plant Tips

Tips On Taking Care Of Welcome Plant (ZZ Plant)

WELCOME PLANT – In this article, we are goin to show you some tips on how to care for the “ZZ Plant”, an easy indoor plant.

The “ZZ” plant got its name due to its scientific name being Zamioculcas zamiifolia. Despite its more recent popularity, the “ZZ plant” has been around for centuries.

Welcome Plant (ZZ Plant) – Easy Indoor Plant Tips

Initially, the plants origins could be traced back to drought-prone Africa. But, it was only several decades ago where people discovered how it could be propagated. Eventually, around 1996, the plant started seeing distribution across the globe. Since then, you could see the ZZ plant in homes, offices, and even cafes worldwide.

So, when you already have this plant, how do you care for it?

ZZ is the cream of the crop for houseplant greenhorns, distracted office workers, and all forms of beginners due to its ease of care. Fortunately, the ZZ plant doesn’t require any specific planting soil; any well-drained potting soil will suffice.

Meanwhile, when it comes to feeding it, water it once a month with a balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer (20-20-20). Additionally, you only need to place the ZZ or welcome plant in low to bright indirect light.

Image from: radroots_magazine.

Afterward, water it when you see it completely dry. In fact, you could even skip out on watering the plant, once or twice, or… thrice, and it could still thrive on its own. Moreover, the plant has grown extremely resilient against diseases and insects.

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