What Is Avarice? Definition And Usage Of This Term
WHAT IS AVARICE– In this topic, we are going to know and learn the definition of this term and how is this term used in sentences.

The Oxford Dictionary defines the term as the following:
- extreme greed for wealth or material gain.
Meanwhile, the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines this term as the following:
- excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain
- greediness
- cupidity
Here are some of the following synonyms:
- greed
- acquisitiveness
- cupidity
- covetousness
- avariciousness
- rapacity
- rapaciousness
- graspingness
- materialism
- mercenariness
- meanness
- miserliness
- money-grubbing
- money-grabbing
Here are some examples of the usage of this term:
- Avarice, luxury and the glaring inequality in the distribution of wealth, threatened to bring about the speedy fall of the state if no cure could be found.
- She was notorious for her profligacy, avarice and ambition, and exercised a complete ascendancy over her weak-minded husband, with the help of his all-powerful freedmen.
- To this end he shrank from no treachery or cruelty; yet, like Agesilaus, he was totally free from the characteristic Spartan vice of avarice, and died, as he had lived, a poor man.
- Such successes removed the buccaneers further and further from the pale of civilized society, fed their revenge, and inspired them with an avarice almost equal to that of the original settlers from Spain.
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