What Is Barrage? Definition And Usage Of This Term
WHAT IS BARRAGE – In this topic, we are going to know and learn the definition of this term and how is this term used in sentences.
The Oxford Dictionary defines the term as the following:
- a concentrated artillery bombardment over a wide area.
- a concentrated outpouring, as of questions or blows.
- bombard (someone) with something.
Meanwhile, the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines this term as the following:
- a dam placed in a watercourse to increase the depth of water or to divert it into a channel for navigation or irrigation
- artillery fire laid on a line close to friendly troops to screen and protect them
- a vigorous or rapid outpouring or projection of many things at once
Here are some of the following synonyms:
- bombardment
- gunfire
- cannonade
- battery
- blast
- broadside
- salvo
- volley
- fusillade
- abundance
- mass
- superabundance
- plethora
- profusion
- deluge
It is a mid 19th century term, which is from the from the French term barrer ‘to bar’
Here are some examples of the usage of this term:
- The buildings blocked the sun, and the barrage of sensations overwhelmed her.
- Assiut stands near the west bank of the Nile across which, just below the town, is a barrage, completed in 1902, consisting of an open weir, 2733 ft.
- The barrage rests entirely on the alluvial bed of the Nile.
- He returned to his rocker, sipped his beer and began to patiently answer the barrage of Fred’s questions about his day’s activities.
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