France Continues To Build Cinemas Amid Pandemic
FRANCE – France continues to build more cinemas aide the ongoing pandemic of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

According to a report from Manila Bulletin, the town of Romorantin, which can be found deep in the Loire Valley south of the French capital Paris, has a population of about 17,000.
By French standards, the number is enough for them to build a new multiplex cinema.
Forklifts were whirling as workers rushed to finish the five-screen theatre by the end of March. Furthermore, the country saw 22 new cinemas that were operatin in 2020. This is despite theatres being unable to operate for much during that year. Several more are either under construction or are being renovated.
As the birthplace of moving pictures, France had the highest cinema attendance in Europe.
Despite having cut to two-thirds last year due to 23 weeks of closures and cancellation of many Hollywood blockbusters, the country weathered the disruption better than others dur to its reliance on its prolific, homegrown movie industry.
The country is also known for its network of small independent cinemas dotted across its villages and small towns.
Romorantin’s new multi-million-euro Cine Sologne complex is currently being built in an out-of-town car park. The cinema also replaces the old Palais in its medieval centre, attracting 70,000 spectators a year but lacked the technology and comfort needed to be on par with rival home cinema offerings.
“We have to attract people who want to go to the cinema, but look at these small, local theatres and think, ‘No thanks’,”
This came from a statement from Cedric Aubry, head of the construction firm, who also specializes in bringing shiny new complexes to remote locations that are not consided worthwhile by major chains.
Based on the report, this is Aubry’s fourth cinema construction since the pandemic began. He added that the model is working, with similar remote projects in Meuse and Yonne.
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