Vela Constellation | Constellations In The Southern Hemisphere

Vela Constellation | Constellations In The Southern Hemisphere

VELA CONSTELLATION – In this topic, we are going to know and learn about the southern constellation Vela, the Sails.

Image from: Star Registration

The constellation lies in the southern hemisphere. The name means “the sails” in Latin and represents the sails of the Argo Navis, where Jason and the Argonauts sailed on their quest for the Golden Fleece. 

Argo Navis was divided into three smaller constellations, this constellation, Carina or the keel and Puppus or the stern. It was named after French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille.

Vela houses the Eight-Burst Nebula, the Gum Nebula, the Vela Supernova Remnant, the Pencil Nebula, and the Omicron Velorum Cluster, and The False Cross.

It is the 32nd of the largest constellations and occupies an area of about 500 square degrees. It lies in SQ2, the second quadrant of the southern hemisphere.

Vela belongs to the Heavenly Waters family, along with Carina, Columba, Delphinus, Equuleus, Eridanus, Piscis Austrinus, Puppis and Pyxis.


Among the stars include:

  • Alsephina
  • HD 73526
  • HD 74180
  • HD 75063
  • HD 78004 
  • HD 92139
  • Kalausi 
  • Markeb 
  • Mu Velorum
  • N Velorum
  • Natasha 
  • Omicron Velorum
  • Phi Velorum
  • Psi Velorum
  • Regor
  • Suhail 
  • V390 Velorum
  • WASP-19
  • WISE 1049-5319

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