What Is Awry? Definition And Usage Of This Term

What Is Awry? Definition And Usage Of This Term

WHAT IS AWRY – In this topic, we are going to know and learn the definition of this term and how is this term used in sentences.



The Oxford Dictionary defines the term as the following:

  • away from the appropriate, planned, or expected course; amiss.
  • out of the normal or correct position; askew.

Meanwhile, the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines this term as the following:

  • off the correct or expected course
  • in a turned or twisted position or direction


Here are some of the following synonyms:

  • askew
  • crooked
  • lopsided
  • uneven
  • asymmetrical
  • to one side
  • off-center
  • skewed
  • skew
  • misaligned


It is a late Middle English term, which is a combination of the prefix a- and the term wry.


Here are some examples of the usage of this term:

  • Something had gone awry, or so the twins found out a day or two later, although Vinnie swore everything went according to plan and they hadn’t done anything wrong.
  • He was lying on his back propped up high, and his small bony hands with their knotted purple veins were lying on the quilt; his left eye gazed straight before him, his right eye was awry, and his brows and lips motionless.
  • Kuchar expresses consternation over his friends’ moral fiber as a whole community goes awry.
  • The voice of reason and something of a moral authority, Frylock uses his fries as limbs while trying to protect Meatwad from Shake’s wrath, as well as generally smoothing out ill-conceived schemes gone predictably awry.

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