Dorado Constellation | Constellations In The Southern Hemisphere
DORADO CONSTELLATION – In this topic, we are going to know and learn about the southern constellation Dorado, the Dolphinfish.
It is the constellation in the southern sky. It means “the dolphinfish” in Spanish and is also depicted as a swordfish, or the Xipias constellation.
Dorado was created by Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius and was depicted in Johann Bayer’s star atlas Uranometria in 1603.
No myths were associated with the constellation and is one of the constellations created by Plancius who mostly named the newly created southern constellations after animals.
It houses most of the Large Magellanic Cloud, which is home to WOH G64; as well as the Tarantula Nebula, the most active star-forming region in our galactic neighbourhood.
Dorado is the 72nd largest constellation in the night sky and occupies an area of about 179 square degrees. It lies in SQ1, the first quadrant of the southern hemisphere.
The constellation belongs to the Johann Bayer family, along with Apus, Chamaeleon, Grus, Hydrus, Indus, Musca, Pavo, Phoenix, Tucana, and Volans.
Among the stars include:
- Alpha Doradus
- Beta Doradus
- Delta Doradus
- Gamma Doradus
- HE 0437-5439
- Naledi
- R Doradus
- S Doradus
- Zeta Doradus
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