Trump Pardon On Corrupt Congressman, Security Guards Gets Backlash
TRUMP PARDON – US President Donald Trump received massive backlash on Wednesday for giving a pardon to a corrupt Republican Congressman and Security guards convicted of killing 14 civilians back in 2007.
Furthermore, Trump, extended executive clemency to those who gave him strong political support. Along with this, former soldiers and law enforcement officials who were convicted of murder were also given clemency.
As such, the people of Iraq showed outrage and sorrow following Trump’s announcement of the pardons for four Blackwater security contractors. Back in 2007, these security personnel were convicted of murder and manslaughter for the Nisur Square killings.
All four men opened fire on an unprovoked crowded square which led to the deaths of 14 civilians. Meanwhile, Iraqi authorities had the death toll as high as 17. Additionally, dozens more were severely wounded during the incident.
However, the decommissioned Blackwater’s owner was Erik Prince, a close Trump supporter and the brother of Trump’s secretary of education, Betsy DeVos.
This series of pardons led to utter outrage. According to an article from GMA, Fares Saadi, the lead Iraqi investigator on the Nisur Square killings said “I knew we’d never get justice“.
Meanwhile, a former classmate of a medical student that was killed during the tragic 2007 massacre said: “As far as they are concerned, our blood is cheaper than water and our demands for justice and accountability are merely a nuisance“.
Following this, Trump is also set to give more Pardons, mostly to strong political supporters. These include his own family, his personal lawyer, and potentially himself. Meanwhile, political analysts believe this move would be a precaution when protecting himself from potential litigation when he steps down from the presidency.
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